One of the Spider-Mans Wore a Fake Butt in NO WAY HOME

Tom Holland’s already moved on to his latest blockbuster, Uncharted, but he still has a lot to say about Spider-Man: No Way Home. And it makes sense considering exactly how many plot-related secrets he and the rest of the cast had to keep. From Charlie Cox’s cameo as ” very good lawyer” Matt Murdock to villainous multiversal conundrums to three Spider-Mans gracing our screens, there was a lot to keep in. (Even with leaks and rumors abound.) And Holland is famously terrible at keeping secrets. Although this time, he left the terrible lies to Andrew Garfield. However, on his most recent visit to Late Night with Seth Meyers, Holland revealed he had one spoiler left in the bag: One of the Spider-Mans rocks a fake butt in No Way Home.

Sounds shocking right? But you have to appreciate the movie-making magic. The actor told Meyers that one of the Spider-Man costumes also included a fake butt. However, he refused to divulge exactly which of the Spider-Mans was carrying some extra padding. Holland spoke of being dumbfounded by a perfect bum on the set before realizing it was all a costume illusion, saying, “I remember being on set and being like ‘wow… oh hang on a minute. Nah, that’s not real.'”

Obviously, this revelation absolutely rocked (a specific faction of) the internet. Exactly whose butt is fake? Holland’s recollection of witnessing the fake implies that despite saying “one of us has a fake ass”—the us being the key part of the phrasing—he is not the wearer of the aforementioned fake butt. (Unless this is a Chekov’s fake bum situation. And it very well may be.) That potentially leaves Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield.

Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, and Tobey Maguire recreate the Spider-Mans pointing meme for the Spider-Man fake butt article.
Sony Pictures/Marvel Studios

Naturally, this childhood Nancy Drew—and arguably more importantly, Columbo—devotee must get to the bottom of this fascinating mystery. A lot of people on the internet, including some here at Nerdist, believe it must be Maguire. And that certainly makes sense, considering his iteration of Peter Parker bulked up after his radioactive spider bite—requiring some costume padding per Entertainment Weekly. That might feel like an easy answer, though. I have my theories, but I’m still keeping my cards close. For now, that is.

Fake bums aside, the trio clearly really enjoyed working together. They’ve all spoken about what a moving experience it was to be on set together in the Spider-Man suits. And it sounds like they’ve all kept in touch. Garfield revealed that both of his Spidey bros texted him when he got nominated for an Oscar. Holland even recently gave Garfield the ol’ middle of the night FaceTime call during a BBC Radio 1 interview. Will Holland’s shocking admission change the nature of this brotherhood? Absolutely not, obviously, but imagine!

The post One of the Spider-Mans Wore a Fake Butt in NO WAY HOME appeared first on Nerdist.

Source: Keulisyuna

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